Making a Bequest

Leaving Something For the Future

Many of us have experienced the pleasure of developing friendships with other Members of the Gresham Club. If you would like to ensure that future generations enjoy the same pleasures and benefit from the Gresham Benevolent Fund, then we would ask that you consider leaving the Gresham Benevolent Fund a gift in perpetuity via your Will.

What Does One Need To Consider?

Making a Will is important for your own peace of mind. Furthermore informing the Gresham Benevolent Fund that you intend to leave a legacy enables the Charity to plan for the future. Once you have made provision for your family and friends, please consider leaving a charitable bequest to the Gresham Benevolent Fund.

The Gresham Benevolent Fund is a UK Registered Charity (1192072). By remembering the Fund in your will you can reduce the taxable value of your assets and so reduce the amount of inheritance tax payable on your estate. Legacies may be made in the form of money, property or other valuables. After listing your assets and choosing your beneficiaries and executors it is recommended that you engage solicitors to make your Will.

If you would like to contact a Trustee in the Gresham Benevolent Fund to discuss making a bequest, please do so by clicking the link below. Thank you for thinking about the Gresham Benevolent Fund.